Learn About God's Strategic Will

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Everyone is Unique.

So what should we deduce from this truth?

I'm not like you. Then why do I compare myself to you? It's because I want what you have. You are noticed, others praise your accomplishments, when I try to compete, you do better than me. When will I realize I can't be you?

Have you ever tried to be "like" someone else? What about trying to be someone you aren't, just to get someone to like you, to notice you? Have you ever struggled with trying to find the real you?

Then you are a "most fortunate soul". You are close to realizing... the real you is not like anyone else.

Years ago I learned that... "When I get a glimpse of God, I automatically get a glimpse of my true self".

Let His Light shine into (reveal) your life as you "Seek Him with all your Heart". As you get to know Him, you will get to know yourself. READ YOUR BIBLE!

Monday, October 22, 2012

Think About it!

You are unique, just like everybody else. Hmmmmmn?

Friday, October 12, 2012

A Snow Flake?

"Snow flakes are unique. But they are all snow flakes."   Hudson Brown

That's Hudson's interpretation of the statement he found online. "Just remember, all of us are unique, just like everyone else".

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Light the fire Again?

Swept along? Sure I am swept along by circumstance, events beyond my control. Everyone is. The issue is our position in the flow. The flow sweeps us along the line of circumstance, but do we see a different perspective? Does our "position" rise us above the circumstance to see the bigger picture. Christ died for us while we were yet sinners!