
Proverbs 3:5 Trust in the Lord with all your heart. Never rely on what you think you know. 6 Recognize Him in all your ways, and he will make your paths straight.

Showing posts with label hope. Show all posts
Showing posts with label hope. Show all posts

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Swept Along?

The interaction of mass and energy has an "inertia". Events beyond your control that sweep you along. Even when in the moment you make a wise choice, events transpire that seem to be detrimental to your situation. Your mistake is thinking you understand your situation.

Yes, we are swept along by the inertia of the interaction of mass and energy. And even though we make wise decisions, we can still find ourselves in a less than comfortable situation. Rejoice, if you find yourself there. It is there that the Lover of your Soul can reveal just how much He loves you, just how much He has "Got your back". Maybe then you will get serious about the pride that gets in the way of hearing His voice, understanding His heart, and committing yourself to His desire to bring everyone into the Kingdom.

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Light the fire Again?

Swept along? Sure I am swept along by circumstance, events beyond my control. Everyone is. The issue is our position in the flow. The flow sweeps us along the line of circumstance, but do we see a different perspective? Does our "position" rise us above the circumstance to see the bigger picture. Christ died for us while we were yet sinners!

Friday, October 14, 2011

Swept along.

Circumstance, it is a sea of turmoil. We all swim in it. We are swept along and most perceive not the flow. Flow? It is the current that inhabits the sum of every decision that those with choice make. Descisions break the bonds of determinism. But freedom to choose does not guarantee justice. Only the one who is everywhere, and sees all as it happens, can be the arbitrator of justice, who has already declared from the beginning, follow me!

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Cause and Effect (As in "Swept along in the Now")

Cause and effect creates a flow within an inertial frame. Have you ever felt like you were in a rut? This flow tends to take the same path if free will does not exert a choice. The choice is hidden by a lie that presents unworthiness and concludes condemnation. And rightly so if we accept the flow.

Hope presents a promise and says, “you choose” 1 Corinthians 10:13 The choice is simple but most difficult. We can stay in the flow and trust in our own understanding or we can choose to trust the Lover of our soul and begin to see who He created us to be. The truth sets us free as we trust in the Lord with all our hearts.

Cause and effect appeals to self-interest. There the tension is manifest. The enemy clouds the truth that self-interest is ultimately fulfilled in giving.

Cause and effect if left alone ultimately will result in degradation, the second law. Life can overcome that degradation by accepting the truth that Hope offers. Choose the author of life and be an overcomer.

Have you ever thought, I just wish someone would tell me what to do? Have you ever wished someone would show you the way you should go?

“I am the way, the truth, and the light”
Jesus Christ

Most likely you’ve believed, as I did, that you have it within you to succeed. The problem is what you define as success.

Progress, far from consisting in change, depends on retentiveness. When change is absolute there remains no being to improve and no direction is set for possible improvement: and when experience is not retained, as among savages, infancy is perpetual. Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it. 
~ George Santayana ~ 

Remember the past? Each of us has a history. We reminisce with those we shared the past with. Remember when we say. Progress is not found there.

Our history viewed with clarity reveals the struggle. A struggle that gives us insight. The insight brings us to the realization that it is not within us to progress.

Come to an end of yourself. Humility is the fertile ground of a teachable heart. Allow the Lover of your soul to blast the light of truth into the darkness of your history to reveal the plan He has had for you from the beginning. He has one goal, to share himself with you.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Swept Along 2

There is no stopping it. The cause and effect interaction of mass and energy, that changes and transforms our now, against our will. It seems choice cannot stop it. Change has two results for the observer. Good or bad, build up or destroy. Choice does not stop the change but it can determine a result. Somethings are predetermined by mass and energy's interaction. Somethings are open to choice and the result the choice brings. The creative ability of choice to destroy or build up is what presents each of us with our GIST.

Swept Along.

Determinism sweeps us along. This quality of existence that permeates reality and is only overcome by choice. Determinism is an overwhelming flux in the continuum of what exists. All around cause and effect spits out the facts that are created, and our choices add to the "Sum" of our "Now". Every choice is an unalterable fact that we are doomed to reap the results of (I mean that we are not able to escape). The tide never wanes, it sweeps us along in a synchronicity of complexity only God understands. Thus we are swept along by change.

The interaction of mass and energy results in a cause and effect, that creates an inertial flow that exerts a tendency to bring about a similar outcome. Commonly called a "rut" or habit.

But choice can trump determinism. True choice is made evident in the light of truth. It is the power to overcome the inertial flow of your history and to become all that God created you to be. No need to be blown along with every wind of doctrine. Ephesians 4:14

Hmm... Have you ever noticed advertising?

Sunday, December 12, 2010


The interaction of mass and energy results in a cause and effect, that creates an inertial flow that tends to create a tendency to repeat the interaction. Commonly called a "Rut" that we cycle around in.

Choice frees us from the interaction of mass and energy that results in a cause and effect determinism. The "Rut" is overcome by the truth that we have the ability to choose a different path.