Learn About God's Strategic Will

Thursday, December 21, 2017


What does that mean?

When I first became a "christian" it was one of the first words that God spoke into my life that I was aware of.

"Be blameless"! It was in context to the current situation then. At the time, my first wife had left with my two kids and was pursuing another relationship. I was convicted of my own complicity in the situation and God said stop giving her reasons to justify her actions. Regret was the overwhelming emotion at the time. It was one of the reasons I "called on the Lord" in the first place.

This "regret" was the result of living a life as I saw fit and God was telling me that to be free of regret I needed to be blameless in all my relationships. It seemed simple enough. At least in concept. Just trust God to guide me in what I say and do and no one will be able to blame me for how things turn out. Yeah, right.

The issues...
  • You have to really seek out and pay attention to the Holy Spirit's guidance. There are a lot of reasons we don't do that.
  • People tend to blame others for their predicament. Mostly because we give them a reason.
  • The enemy is constantly running around making accusations in our minds and in the minds of those around us.
I have come to realize "I am to Blame". But in that realization God's love covers my complicity and by the Blood of Christ I am forgiven. In the same realization I am called to "Trust in Him with all my heart and not trust in my own understanding. To recognize His presence in everything I do, and he will guide me on the path that leads to no regrets" Proverbs 3:5-6.

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