
Proverbs 3:5 Trust in the Lord with all your heart. Never rely on what you think you know. 6 Recognize Him in all your ways, and he will make your paths straight.

Showing posts with label Unique. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Unique. Show all posts

Sunday, July 11, 2021

Jesus says I see you!

We all want to be noticed, recognized, and known. 

 There is overwhelming joy in knowing that Jesus sees me and knows me. Because I know He loves me despite my failings. A sovereign joy because I believe His promises to me. They are a sure foundation for my future. This is why I delight in His corrective chastisement as He guides me in the call and plan He created me to fulfill. 

John 10:27 "My sheep hear My voice, I know them, and they follow Me.

There is no Joy outside of God's sovereign Will.

Friday, November 11, 2016

Practicing the "Present-tense" of God

This is a play on the saying "Practice the Presence of God".

God is in the "present". "Now" is when we hear his voice. Now is when we should pay attention. Now is when He guides us. "Pray without ceasing" (1 Thess. 5:17) makes more sense when we understand we should not trust in what we understood in the past concerning His guidance today.

Prov. 3:5-6 also makes more sense.  "5. Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. 6. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths."

Sunday, November 23, 2014


Many people know you. Know the you, that you have created. Created according to what you saw others held in esteem. The herd has a mentality.

Struggle, frustration, and disappointment are not a stranger to you. There lies the clue.

Looking for acceptance, you gave up on your uniqueness and gave in to the demand of conformity. Yes you did.

Then. Your true identity sought differentiation.  To be noticed, recognized and accepted was not enough. The need to be known as a unique, one of a kind person demands no compromise.

Who are you really? There is only One who can answer that question for you. Seek out the Lover of your soul. "Become" the one He created you to be. REPENT.

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Everyone is Unique.

So what should we deduce from this truth?

I'm not like you. Then why do I compare myself to you? It's because I want what you have. You are noticed, others praise your accomplishments, when I try to compete, you do better than me. When will I realize I can't be you?

Have you ever tried to be "like" someone else? What about trying to be someone you aren't, just to get someone to like you, to notice you? Have you ever struggled with trying to find the real you?

Then you are a "most fortunate soul". You are close to realizing... the real you is not like anyone else.

Years ago I learned that... "When I get a glimpse of God, I automatically get a glimpse of my true self".

Let His Light shine into (reveal) your life as you "Seek Him with all your Heart". As you get to know Him, you will get to know yourself. READ YOUR BIBLE!

Friday, October 12, 2012

A Snow Flake?

"Snow flakes are unique. But they are all snow flakes."   Hudson Brown

That's Hudson's interpretation of the statement he found online. "Just remember, all of us are unique, just like everyone else".

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Moments in the Now!

I had a moment tonight to talk with Hudson (he's 14). He wanted to tell me about a word he had come across that started with "N". He explained if I did a search on Google for "emptiness, Wikipedia" that was where he found the word that started with "N".  I asked "you did a search for "emptiness"? He said, "I think that is why I'm lazy, I just think what's the point"?

The word he found was "Nihilism" which means life is without objective meaning. 

Hudson's favorite book of the Bible is Ecclesiastes because it expresses so much of how he feels. 

I tried to remind him that the questions he is asking are important and that God is giving him the answer. Life is pointless without God. With God, what's the point? Then Harrison came in and wanted his DS connected to the wi-fi.

After I tucked Hudson in for the night, I asked God to help me understand what Hudson was struggling with. I googled "emptiness" and began to click on search results. I came across this. A video that answers the question...


Thursday, May 21, 2009

A conversation with my son.

As we sat on the deck, enjoying the fire we were watching in the fire pit, I asked Harrison, my son, what words he would use to describe everything that was happening in the universe at this particular moment. He seemed confused, my question held no context.

 I said look at the fire, what is happening there?

We started talking about oxidization and chemical reactions inherent in the fire. How would you describe the fire? We realized there is a lot of information generated by a fire and how to describe it accurately.

I asked him, as we watched the fire burn, what do you think is happening now to the stars in a galaxy on the other side of the universe? He said, "they are moving".

Now think about all the galaxies right now, what words would you use to describe everything that was happening in the universe at this particular moment. He said "overwhelming".

It was then I began to tap his knee. Every few seconds I would tap his knee. I said it looks like I am touching your knee repeatedly. He said yeh, you keep touching my knee over and over again. I said look at the fire, I'll touch your knee again. Was that the same as when I touched your knee earlier? Harrison said no, the fire was different. So each time I touch your knee it's different? Yes, each time you touch my knee it's unique.

I asked Harrison, "What does it mean that something is unique"? He said, "it's one of a kind." I asked him "if it's one of a kind, does that make it valuable"? We considered such...

Harrison is 11 and a half.

Every moment is unique, it will never be repeated. Its value is incomprehensible.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

God's Now and ours.

"Now" is reality. "Now" is what exists. What exists is the totality of all that interacts. The interaction of Mass and Energy plays out in the now and is the physical realm.

God's "Now" is the direct experience of all tensed facts as they come to exist in the now. For God, space is of no consequence. He knows everything because He is everywhere. He is the ultimate "reference frame" for the universe.

Our "now" is limited by location and the speed at which information comes to us. This limitation of information acquisition creates a "horizon". This event horizon is established by the limit of the speed of light that creates the illusion of time flowing with past, present and anticipated future.

What can contain God? Time? No. Eternity? No. Space? No. If God is eternal, that which is in Him resides in eternity. "Now" is eternal because the now is in God.

What exists is dynamic and temporal, because God is dynamic and temporal. Our experience dynamically exists in the eternal temporality of God.

Duration is the observed rate of change in a given inertial frame. Duration is subjective to the observer. Changes in the rate of change are undetectable for an observer in a given inertial frame.

The eternal temporality exists in an uniqueness of tensed facts. These facts have causality that is determinate outside of the creative ability of life to choose. Choice can over-ride determinate causality. This choice creates the realm of "possibilities" for creative innovation.

This physical realm exists as part of the Spiritual realm. Because of the limitations of the physical realm I cannot experience the totality of all that exists in the Now.