
Proverbs 3:5 Trust in the Lord with all your heart. Never rely on what you think you know. 6 Recognize Him in all your ways, and he will make your paths straight.

Showing posts with label Occupied. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Occupied. Show all posts

Sunday, August 26, 2018


Back to that I go.

Distraction. Occupy your time. Use it up.

If the enemy can't deceive you he will try to distract you. Not just with worthless entertainment but with causes that we perceive as worthy.

These "causes" satisfy our need to feel justified, but fall short of explicit obedience and trust of God's will for our lives.

Thursday, August 4, 2016

Games in the digital age.

A few years ago, my two sons, Hudson and Harrison invited a few of their friends over to play "video games."

Later in the evening, I went into the front room to see how things were going.
I was surprised to see only one of Harrison's friends in the room, Jacob.

Hudson was on the desktop computer with a headset and microphone. Talking to a number of online players that he was teamed up with as they battled another team on a multiplayer internet game.

Harrison had a PlayStation handset and was conversing with his teammates via his iPad as they battled on the big screen tv connected to the PS1 network.

I asked Jacob why he enjoyed playing these online games. He said "because I like overcoming obstacles, winning the battle, and discovering more of what the game has in store. I can be more than just me." 

Don't we all like feeling victorious? Feeling and "being" are two different things

Today I came across this...

It is interesting what the Lord said to me 8 months ago...

Saturday, December 26, 2015


A generation that is being occupied and distracted from their own need to be overcomers.

"Vicariously is the adverb form of the word vicarious, which also involves experiencing something through another person. The Latin influence is the word vicarius, which means “substitute.” If you experience something vicariously, in a sense you’re a substitute who’s getting something secondhand.

If you’re living vicariously, stop it. Get out and live life for yourself. Vicariously means that you’re experiencing something indirectly, like when your friend's adventure feels like your own."

Friday, September 12, 2014

Reconcile distraction.

Why do I prefer distraction in the moment? A moment that is unique, unrepeatable and when past, is unchangeable and therefore without a price?

It is because in the moment the waiting needs to be occupied. Duration is the "experienced" observation of change. And in the "cycle" I wait for "opportunity". That is the word I need to plumb.

Friday, August 2, 2013

Some random thoughts...?

What is the number of thoughts I can comprehend in any given moment?

The rate of change can vary in a given inertial frame. Does the rate of change affect the number of thoughts I can comprehend? I think... No, the rate of change is a constant of the inertial frame and therefore the number of thoughts that can be processed is also constant.

If the number of thoughts that can be processed (understood) in my inertial frame is limited then distraction can occupy my attention and I can miss the thoughts the Lover of my Soul has for me.

Are you occupied by distraction?

Saturday, May 4, 2013

It used to be.

There was a time in the past when someone could be alone. In fact it was normal to be alone much of the time. Left alone with our thoughts. Then the strategy of the enemy was lies. He could explain our situation in our thoughts as we perceived them as our own and made decisions that led to our destruction.

Now we are connected, never alone. We have access to lies, but also the truth, if we just but seek. The truth sets us free. How does the enemy now stop us from discovering it?

Distract and occupy our time. There is much more to be said about that.